Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Infographic: Hospital Doctors Create Family Wealth

Like most doctors in the US, those physicians who work in hospitals earn a good salary. But turning income into wealth isn’t always straightforward. Eight percent of hospitalists in a Medscape survey reported a net worth of at least $5 million. Another 22% said their family wealth is between $2 million and $4.99 million, and 23% said $1 million to $1.99 million. But whereas about 6 of 10 male doctors reported wealth of at least $1 million, only around half of their female counterparts did.
This infographic checks in on the personal wealth of hospital physicians and compares men and women in that regard. To learn more, check out the Medscape Hospitalist Wealth & Debt Report 2024.
Medscape Hospitalist Wealth & Debt Report 2024
Any views expressed above are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of WebMD or Medscape.
